Rebecca Chesney

Rebecca Chesney

Our Future Sorrows Yorkshire Sculpture Park 2021

During my time as Visiting Artist in 2021 (April - September) I surveyed and mapped all the bee species found on the YSP Bretton Estate and made a digital map of the Park.
Visitors to YSP could access the map on their mobile phones to see where bees were foraging, and they could also add their own sitings of bees to the map.
Our Future Sorrows is an extension of my research residency at YSP in 2010 where I studied the bee populations of the Bretton Estate and also set up 2 honey bee hives on site.

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Our Future Sorrows digital map
May 2021

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Our Future Sorrows digital map
July 2021

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Our Future Sorrows
digital map.
Visitors could zoom in on the map to see where bees were foraging.

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Our Future Sorrows digital map icons.
The map showed bumblebee, honey bee and solitary bee sitings, plus flowers, shrubs and trees where bees were seen foraging.

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Images top row left - right: surveying for bees in YSP; ashy mining bee on hawthorn blossom; red-tailed bumblebee on comfrey
Bottom row left - right: common carder bee on birdsfoot trefoil; red mason-bee on apple blossom; honey bee on dandelion

See also my Diligent Observation project at YSP in 2010
I'm blue, you're yellow my meadow installation in Everton Park Liverpool


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