Rebecca Chesney

Rebecca Chesney

Distance Springhornhof, Germany 2018

Time was spent looking at the history of the landscape in the Luneburger Heide region in Germany; the influence on the land of King George III's agricultural reforms; the loss of the commons and the development of local heathland.
The finished works reflect the field lines and boundaries, and the colours of crops and soil extracted from satellite imagery of the local area.
The research and exhibition was commissioned by Springhornhof.

Rebecca Chesney Springhornhof 01
Gallery view of Distance at Springhornhof

Rebecca Chesney Springhornhof 02

Landscape #3
Wood, emulsion paint
240 x 80 cm

Rebecca Chesney Springhornhof 03
Left: Landscape #2
Wood, emulsion paint
210 x 85 cm

Right: Landscape #1
Wood, emulsion paint
175 x 90 cm


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