Rebecca Chesney
Death Equals All Things - omnia mors aequat Bolton Museum and Art Gallery 2007
Commission to make new work based on the collection in the herbarium at Bolton Museum and Art Gallery.
Time was spent researching in the botanical archive at the museum under the guidance of the Curator of Botany Patricia Francis where I became interested in investigating the properties of plants - in particular poisonous plants and their use with intent to murder and commit suicide. Five species of plant and one fungus became the main focus of my research: Hemlock Conium maculatum, Deadly Nightshade Atropa belladonna, Yew Taxus baccata, Monkshood Aconitum napellus and Foxglove Digitalis purpurea and Deathcap Amanita phalloides.
I constructed a makeshift laboratory in my basement at home to try and make poison from plants planted in my back yard – Hemlock, Deadly Nightshade, Yew, Monkshood and Foxglove.
Death Equals All Things omnia mors aequat
Polaroids (from a series of 6) 7.7 x 7.9 cm
Cyanotypes from the live specimens I grew in my backyard.
Each 14.5 x 19.2 cm
L-R: Foxglove roots Digitalis purpurea, Hemlock Conium maculatum, Aconite Aconitum napellus, Yew Taxus baccata
Installation view of Death Equals All Things omnia mors aequat at Bolton Museum and Art Gallery 2007
Left and middle: Live hemlock specimen in sealed cabinet in Bolton Museum and Art Gallery 2007
Right: One for You, One for Me. Two phials of pure poison each 10cm high. Letter of Intent Hand written letter in sealed envelope 16 x 11cm
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