Rebecca Chesney

As part of my research I make field recordings to gather sounds related to a place or subject.
My sound works and soundscapes have been included in a number of exhibitions:
The Storm for TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien in the Museum Quarter in Vienna, Austria
The Storm (Chapter 2) Broadcast on Lithuanian National Radio during the 'Radijo menas' programme
Listen Up! a city wide sound exhibition in New Delhi, India
Listening Landscapes / Landschaften Horen at Springhornhof, Germany
Someday You'll be Sorry at The Pavilion in Preston, UK
Changing Climate, Changing World at the Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa, Canada
Indefinable Cities at AirSpace Gallery Stoke on Trent and Atelier Sangatsu, Osaka Japan.
I've put a selection of my field recordings on SoundCloud
Recordings include the underwater sound of a melting glacier, approaching thunder, bees, birds, jackal and natterjack toads.

A selection of my Urban Wildlife Observation videos are on Vimeo
See also:
View From Here Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, El Paso USA 2020
Forewarning Full of Noises, Soundcamp and Cumbria Wildlife Trust 2018
66 Million Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster University 2017
Still in Silence Bluecoat, Liverpool 2013
Urban Wild CONA, Mumbai, India 2013